- For relevancy, reviews should only be written by crew and officers who have worked since 2022 to present. There is a forum to talk about experiences circa 2022.
- Reviews should be anonymous for your protection and names of other crew and officers may not be mentioned in the review. You can use terms such as another crew member or an officer. To help keep anonymity, use gender neutral terms. Do not say "she" or "he", use "they" or "them"
- Reviews need to be fair, honest and accurate. We may make small edits to conceal positions or identities (such as removing names). We will contact you if we need to change or remove something. In all reviews, we will correct the grammar to help conceal identities.
- Some situations may be removed if the cause defamation to to the company or a person and there is a lack of evidence. We will help you to edit this so that you can still report a situation took place, but with consideration that we are only receiving one side of the story.
- If photos are added to reviews they cannot have other crew members or passengers in them.
- You can share your experience, but you won’t reveal company information that apply to business strategies, budgets, costs, and revenue.
- You can describe guest situations, but cannot use their names or photos.
- Crews Critics is not liable nor accountable for any damages, and by submitting a review, I waive the right to sue for personal damages, human rights violations, putative damages, wage loss, physical ailments including mental well-being and anything not mentioned here.