In behalf of my colleague:
" Unfortunately, I am writing this from a huge frustration, and I know that I am not the only one who thinks and feels the same.
Cruise companies Princess Cruises and Holland America have a broken system of recruiting, of which I am sick and tired. Applied for a job without any disclaimer that I will/not will be contacted after review of the application, and still did not get any answer, but most funny thing - same job has been posted 1 week after. What does this look like? To me? Like a broken system.
If you need employees, then react on the job application. I am human being, not a stone which you should ignore. I have applied to work, not to leave my data online for nothing.
Hiring agencies - what to say about them.. Sent an e-mail - no answer. Sorry, but your job is to ignore and to drink a coffee or to hire and help people? Some people said to me that they are making fake excuses why not to hire you. Sorry, what? However is making these fake excuses should be fired. Then you will see what does it look like not having a job, praying to be hired, expecting every day any news, encouraging people around you that you will have a job, that you will be what you want to be. Shame on you hiring agencies and recruiters for manipulations!
Worst thing is that they have a part of description of the companies with words: "Our culture essentials: Stronger together, speak up, respect and protect, improve, communicate, listen and learn, empower". Well, you expect super-high level, then provide it too. So many people are talking these days that mistakes during the interviews are signs of weaknesses of the company, so, here we are.
Mentioned cruise companies are transfering employees inside the company who has no knowledge for the exact position, have no clue that their high voice (which is coming from their poor try to be superior and grown-up) is a sign of a bad customer service, their every contract change of the residance is a sign of misusage of the company's money on flights, employees who are speaking 2 languages get the job, but many people with 4-5-6 languages and many skills can not get the same position.
If speaking up about the problems is the problem for the cruise company, this is one more sign that the mentioned cruise companies do not deserve new employees and guests and their culture essentials are empty. So many people onboard of these companies are struggling because they can not fight against managers and has to nod on everything. They are highly discriminated because of their gender, race, professional land experience, country of origin, accent, onboard high professionalism. With proofs in their hands - they will anyway be discriminated. Greatest thing - getting a warning (verbal or writen) + bad evaluation for speaking up.
Speaking up about the problems in these cruise companies is a huge problem for them, so I adore when people are writing on this and other sites their ship experiences. Every cruise company should follow ILO rules, but when you are having a soft voice, not that musculine body, not good knowledge of language, no support - you are just a number. Well, online you, cruise companies, are described well by people who are tired of slavery.
Think twice before you see the first red flags during interview, especially for this 2 cruise companies. "
" Unfortunately, I am writing this from a huge frustration, and I know that I am not the only one who thinks and feels the same.
Cruise companies Princess Cruises and Holland America have a broken system of recruiting, of which I am sick and tired. Applied for a job without any disclaimer that I will/not will be contacted after review of the application, and still did not get any answer, but most funny thing - same job has been posted 1 week after. What does this look like? To me? Like a broken system.
If you need employees, then react on the job application. I am human being, not a stone which you should ignore. I have applied to work, not to leave my data online for nothing.
Hiring agencies - what to say about them.. Sent an e-mail - no answer. Sorry, but your job is to ignore and to drink a coffee or to hire and help people? Some people said to me that they are making fake excuses why not to hire you. Sorry, what? However is making these fake excuses should be fired. Then you will see what does it look like not having a job, praying to be hired, expecting every day any news, encouraging people around you that you will have a job, that you will be what you want to be. Shame on you hiring agencies and recruiters for manipulations!
Worst thing is that they have a part of description of the companies with words: "Our culture essentials: Stronger together, speak up, respect and protect, improve, communicate, listen and learn, empower". Well, you expect super-high level, then provide it too. So many people are talking these days that mistakes during the interviews are signs of weaknesses of the company, so, here we are.
Mentioned cruise companies are transfering employees inside the company who has no knowledge for the exact position, have no clue that their high voice (which is coming from their poor try to be superior and grown-up) is a sign of a bad customer service, their every contract change of the residance is a sign of misusage of the company's money on flights, employees who are speaking 2 languages get the job, but many people with 4-5-6 languages and many skills can not get the same position.
If speaking up about the problems is the problem for the cruise company, this is one more sign that the mentioned cruise companies do not deserve new employees and guests and their culture essentials are empty. So many people onboard of these companies are struggling because they can not fight against managers and has to nod on everything. They are highly discriminated because of their gender, race, professional land experience, country of origin, accent, onboard high professionalism. With proofs in their hands - they will anyway be discriminated. Greatest thing - getting a warning (verbal or writen) + bad evaluation for speaking up.
Speaking up about the problems in these cruise companies is a huge problem for them, so I adore when people are writing on this and other sites their ship experiences. Every cruise company should follow ILO rules, but when you are having a soft voice, not that musculine body, not good knowledge of language, no support - you are just a number. Well, online you, cruise companies, are described well by people who are tired of slavery.
Think twice before you see the first red flags during interview, especially for this 2 cruise companies. "