Exploited Cook Teppanyaki in Norwegian Cruise Line


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The salary of Cook Teppanyaki in Norwegian Cruise Line is only $1,200 a month ( lowest in all cruise line)and they are just getting extra from the tips that are given to them directly by some guest ( if the guest leave their tip on the table that is for the waiters only)and they are also getting extra from charge tip which is divided amongst 15 Cook Teppanyaki.
Now here is the big problem,before they are only 11 Teppanyaki Cook on this ship and the charge tip is divided to 11 only..now it is divided to 15.
more or less they are now getting like extra 450 each at the end of the month only (before its like extra 800-1000)
Now here is the worst,some Teppanyaki Cook are not even working as a Teppanyaki Cook instead they are sent to work to other Restaurant Galley and their chance to earn extra money is forfeited.
I hope the company will do some action to these matter.
13 Cook Teppanyaki is enough for Big Norwegian Ships
( Joy,Encore,Bliss) and please let all Teppanyaki Cook Concentrate and Prioritize Teppanyaki Galley station at all time instead of sending them to work in other galley. And if they need additional cook on other galley then they need to hire regular cook and not Teppanyaki Cook.
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